That's right Maties! Yer NEW England Patriots arrrr playin' the Buccaneers in jolly OLD England this weekend! And I 'ope them poor Buccaneers brought plenty of Buccan-towels to dry their Buccan-tears afterwards! Everyone's sayin' 'ow far it is to the Old World but, they don't seem to realize it's just as close as the West Coast of the New World. Aye! So, may it be smoothe sailing on Sunday with just enough 'Dark and Stormy' moments to make it interestin'!!!! Did I hear there will be bangers and mash or fish 'n chips Sunday? Whatever the main course, there's nothing like bringing home the victory with good olde American . . . wait for it . . . that's right . . . what else, but, . . . Apple Pie!
Aye, Maties! Life is good! And, as Buddy proved, maybe even better if its topped with whipped cream!
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