Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Shirts - Props or Poops?

I saw a couple of team jerseys the other day. One guy had a Trot Nixon shirt and I thought, "That's respectable. – Good guy. Clutch. Tough..."
Then I saw a guy with a Bledsoe jersey and thought, "I don't think so..."
What past players rate for you and when do they rate?
  • Manny: Poops (someday... I don't think so)
  • Brown - Troy that is: Props
  • Garciapara: Poops (someday... Props)
  • Orr: Props
  • Walker - Antoine that is: Poops (someday... Hmmm No)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Gentlemen, may I be but one of the many to wish you all a Happy Father's Day! Socks for everyone!