Friday, December 26, 2008

Most Considerate Scavenger of the Year . . .

Andy said his nephew wanted a skateboard.
Frank saw one on the side of the road by Christmas Motors on the way to the shed from work that night.
Kevin said it belonged to Steve's son. It fell off the car roof on the way to the shed.
Steve said not to worry about it, they'd get it on the way home.
Bob said he saw it, too, and he had stopped and picked it up on the way to the shed and had it in his car.
The circle was complete.

For his unselfish devotion to his fellow shed members, and his willingness to be the only one to actually stop, get out of the car, and pick up the skateboard, I nominate Bob for . . .

Shed 26 Most Considerate Scavenger of the Year

Good luck Bob! Keep up the good work!

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