Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pre(?)season fare . . .

As our esteemed leader stated the fare was well above previous preseason ratings! Cudos to Big Bob for the baked/broiled brown sugar coated bacon wraped mini-dogs! Let me just express my fear that they go the way of the Man Cakes, rarely seen, though longed for every game. Yes, that's right fans, Big Bob's Bacon Wraped Puppies were that good! Unfortunatley, there are no Macintosh apples available this late(?)/early(?) in the season. So, chocolate cake had to suffice. This week could yeild something else altogether. We'll have to see. But, with low turn out, excessive portions often make up for the lack of tradition. But, with the season yet to begin, one, well, OK, I, can only dream of a week with Big Bob's Bacon Wrapped Puppies, followed by Man Cakes, Buddy's Golabkis, Kevin's Beans, Jason's mother-in-law's meat pie, Cocoaboy's hot chocolate, Wayne's always good dish du jour, and, yes, I'll say it . . . apple pie. Life doesn't get any better. Kevin is always right, "This is the best place EVER!!"

P.S. HOLY CRAP! I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT ANDY'S CALZONES! I gotta stop blogging after midnight!

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