Monday, February 16, 2009

Sympathetic to Kevin's Plight!

I would like to say that it is unfair to prosecute Mr. Hart for his plight! It is not easy to end one's battle with 'roids! Take it from someone who has had to deal with them since my bout with poison ivy, and the resulting endless emotional and physical pain of trying to stop the insanity around them! No matter how I try I just can't rid myself of the returning burning and their influence on my serenity. Yes, they have even affected my performance in the Shed! I have spent long hours unable to sit still for more than a few soothing seconds! If you only knew the frustration and difficulty of holding back my RAGE at the world! But, thankfully, the Shed is the only place where the happiness and support of my fellow Shed mates far outweighs these curses, and provides me a respit and some peace in my life. So, don't judge poor Kevin Hart! He is fighting a gallant and valiant battle to hold back his own 'roid rage! Let's not condemn him! Don't Tuck it too him! Let's support him and soothe him with the cool, sometimes, icy relief that the Shed can provide on his Dark and Stormy nights! I'm with you Kevin! I'm with you all the way!

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