Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sheddie Nominations

The Missing Persons Award: to Bob Conquest for his absence during the most important game of the entire season... The second round of the playoffs against the Jets
The "Don't drink that" Award: to Wayne Jacobson for asking about the "iced tea" in the corner
The "Iced Tea" Award: to Andy Conquest for producing fancy iced tea when nobody's around
The Cheese Done Fall Off His Cracker Award: to Pete falzone for absolutely losing his shit on a regular basis
The "Is that a hydrocodone in your pocket or are you just happy to see me" Award: to Jason Conquest for nursing a steady stream of injuries and "needs"
The Asleep At The Wheel Award: to Steve Wilkins for dropping into a deep sleep at the drop of a hat
The Buddy Award: to Buddy for being a douche
The Ice Fishing Award: to Buddy for being a douche
The "That's my seat" Award: to Buddy for being a douche

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